Introducing: PhiLeague!

We're happy to announce we've started up the PhiLeague! It's a small for-fun league for Philly club members to participate in. There are no commitments and no fees.

A league game can involve any 4 members (only applies to in-person games only). If all 4 members agree, then the game will be a league-counting game. The usual club rules apply, except now there is also a timer (75 minutes plus 1 hand after time finishes) and chombos are enforced. Once the game is finished, the scores will be recorded and displayed in our overall rankings. The rankings will be compiled over the course of a season and winner gets the bragging rights!

The goal of this league is to provide a slightly more competitive edge to games to both help players get ready for tournament-style play, but also gives those who are not interested in tournaments some stakes, even if it's just for fun. In the future we may introduce some more elements for winners (trophies, special Discord roles, etc).

If you're interested in participating, you can just mention so at any of our usual mahjong gatherings. There may be days dedicated to league games in the future, but for now, as long as all 4 members agree, a league game can happen anywhere. For full rules and additional details, be sure to join our Discord server (link at bottom of the page).